Monday, May 6, 2013

Internship's Photo Essay

 From Monday to Thursday I went to my internship at NetCost Market.
 My day starts at storage.
 I change my regular cloth to store's uniform at storeroom.
 Then I go to find supervisor, and ask him what I need to do. If they have some task for me, I'm doing it.
 But if not, I just walking through the lines. People can ask me for help, so I try to help them.
 Also if I find lack of something.

I went to the storage to take those thing.

And put it at the right place.

In end of day went to the manager so he/she can sign my time  sheet. After that I go back to my home.

Friday, January 18, 2013


"Workbook: US Forest Fires." Tableau Software. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Jan. 2013.
"The Causes and Effects of wildfires and how people prepare for and respond to them" Worldlywise Wiki 18 Dec 2012


During this project we learned about different types of disasters. One of them I choose to make a research.
Wildfire is a fast spreading fire. Wildfires most happen in hot places where is not a lot of water. Causes of wildfires can be drought climate, lighting, or human factor.  In USA wildfires most happen in western part of country, because it's most warmest part.  By checking temperature history we can find a time periods where wildfires is most happen. If wildfires will be contuned for next 100 years, we can lost a lot of forest, our air will be polluted, and many animals will die. But everything that will be reburn, because wildfires is a common disaster which happen whole the time.

Wildfire presentation

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Rock Types

Rock Cycle
The Rock Cycle is the process that take many years, and during this process the rocks change their shape and composition. When magma comes out of the volcano, it's called lava. Then lava gets cold and became a Igneous rock. Igneous rock can be of two types - intrusive that has big crystals and extrusive that have small crystals. Igneous rock that affected by weathering and erosion broke into sediments. Then sediments come through processes that called compaction and cementation, and became a Sedimentary rock. Sedimentary rock are made up of three types - clastic that is formed by cold lava, bioclastic that is formed by death organisms, and crystalline that is formed by the minerals from a water solution. Metamorphic rock is formed by heat and pressure of other rocks, and divided by two types - fiolated that has layers and non fiolated that has no layers.

Igneous rock
rock that formed by cooling of magma/lava
Sedimentary rock
rock that formed by compaction and cementation of sediments

Metamorphic rock
rock that formed by heat and pressure of other rocks

melting rock inside/outside of the volcano

the rock gets cool and hard
Weathering & Erosion rock broke by wind and water into sediments

small pieces of rocks

Compaction & Cementation
when rocks come together and glue together

Rock Types

Igneous rocks:

form inside of the earth and has big crystals

form outside of the earth and has small crystals

Sedimentary rocks:

form from rock pieces

form from liquid minerals

form from death organisms

Metamorphic rocks:

has layers

has no layers

Friday, October 26, 2012

Crystals & Minerals

During this lab we try to growth two types of crystals by Solidification process . Our variables was halite and epsomite. We have put those minerals to boiled water till the minerals can't saturate. Then we have put them near the windows, and waited till water evaporate. As result we got some minerals at the bottom.

Mineral Properties:
Looks like metal or not
<- metallic luster
the color of a mineral when you look at it
<- gold color

the color of the powder a mineral gives when stratched on a streak plate

how hard it is

breaks evenly

breaks unevenly
structure of mineral

Mineral Identification:

Color: black to bronze
Luster: metallic


Color: green
Luster: non-metallic